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STEM Careers


Hear careers professional and former science teacher, Liz Painter, share ideas, and more, from her new book, STEM Careers (2nd Edition). This session is ‘stand-alone’ from the book and will help careers professionals and teachers unpick the huge topic of STEM careers, offering hints and tips for use with young people. Whether you work one-to-one with students,  conduct small group work or lead classroom activities, you’ll gain new ideas to share with colleagues, young people and their families.



Hear careers professional and former science teacher, Liz Painter, share ideas, and more, from her new book, STEM Careers (2nd Edition). This session is ‘stand-alone’ from the book and will help careers professionals and teachers unpick the huge topic of STEM careers, offering hints and tips for use with young people. Whether you work one-to-one with students,  conduct small group work or lead classroom activities, you’ll gain new ideas to share with colleagues, young people and their families.

This online session is suitable for STEM teachers, careers leaders, careers advisers and anyone who delivers careers education to young people.

Learning Outcomes (3-5)

  • To find out about the breadth of STEM industries and range of careers, including creative careers.
  • Consider the types of skills that employers value and how STEM education can help young people to develop these.
  • Develop strategies to help students explore which STEM careers they may be interested in.
  • Discuss how to use activities in the STEM classroom to help young people develop their career management skills.

Meet the expert

Liz Painter has an MA in Careers Education and Coaching, was a science teacher for 24 years. She led a range of STEM activities across the school, including clubs, cross-curricular collaboration days and STEM in PSHCE programmes. After two years working with the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership, supporting employer engagement in education, Liz is now freelance. She supports schools with teacher CPD and works on projects developing career-related resources for educators and young people.

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